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Continental Divide Page 8

  The smile Imran gave her melted her heart and her nether regions. If he didn’t stop looking at her in that manner she would be attacking him. They had to remember where they were. Heaven or Hamid would undoubtedly come out to check on them very soon if nothing more than to make sure they hadn’t killed each other.

  The hand on Tanya’s back moved slowly along her spine and he began whispering to her. She blinked. He was singing. She didn’t understand the words but from the look in his eyes it had to be a love song.

  “You have a very good voice. Do all of the Ahmed men sing?” Imran didn’t answer just lifted his brow. “Hamid sings to Heaven,” she said by way of explanation.

  “Hamid warbles.”

  “Before this goes any further, Imran, tell me a bit more about yourself. I wouldn’t mind hanging out with you while I’m here but that’s it. Heaven told me you’re a writer before you ever mentioned it, an unpublished writer, so that tells me you’re not making any money. And I don’t care if you go back to thinking I’m a gold-digger or not but this has to be said. I’m also not planning on taking care of a struggling writer until he makes it. I definitely don’t play that gonna help you get a green card bit. So what’s your story?”

  For the first time Tanya noticed the twinkle had disappeared from Imran’s eyes. His eyes narrowed and he held her in his steely gaze. He dropped his hand from her back and she instantly missed his touch.

  “So you want to know more about me. You want to know what I’m up to. Here goes. For the past few days I have enjoyed toying with you. I felt you needed to be put in your place. Then I thought I saw something in your eyes, something that my soul recognized, and for some crazy reason I thought I felt things for you, things that I thought you felt also. And probably from spending so much time with Hamid and Heaven and the baby I began to believe in fate, that fate had brought you into my life for a reason. Now I say this to you. Damn fate. You are not the woman for me.” With those words he turned on his heels and headed back into the house.

  Tanya swallowed, a moment of panic filling her. She wanted to go home. Heaven had gotten her involved in some major craziness. She should have known her plans wouldn’t work anyway. Lettie’s kids would deserve a home when she was gone. She saw baby Jo Jo’s face in her mind and swallowed again. She’d become too attached to the baby. She’d been warned it would happen. He’d been in her care a few hours after his birth, how could she not be attached to him? He deserved a home. All the kids she was assigned to deserved a home. Crazy, that’s what it was. Sure she knew that even if Jo Jo became available for adopting one day, in all likely-hood if she was taking care of Lettie’s kids she would be unable to take in yet another baby. That thought saddened her because she didn’t see any babies in her future. Jo Jo had somehow become a surrogate for her.

  She’d gotten into more fights since she’d been here than she had in the last months. Sure she’d missed Heaven. The group just wasn’t the same since Heaven had moved to Pakistan. And sure she’d been a bit miffed that Heaven had not asked her, or any of her friends to be godmother to her baby son. They would have all been honored and would have loved it. But she hadn’t even considered it. So yes, she’d made a few uncalled for nasty remarks. Heaven understood that. She knew the reason. They’d squashed that, but Imran had still used that against her.

  She’d be a liar if she didn’t acknowledge that somewhere inside of her, she believed Imran wanted her. But he was moving so quickly. His nearness made her lose her resolve to not have a permanent relationship. How could she? She had a truck load of responsibilities waiting for her in her future. A groan slipped from her throat. That time she’d really and truly not intended to be nasty. Imran had scared her for a moment with his directness and with his touch. He was turning her into a pile of mush and she’d needed badly to breathe. Mercy, the man was working on her nervous system big time. Okay, she admitted to herself. She liked him. She liked him a whole lot.

  For a long moment Tanya stared at the door. Of course she’d known Imran was attracted to her and she’d readily admit her attraction to him. The man had kept her in a perpetual state of crazy, wanton need. If he’d been jealous of her talking to his cousins why couldn’t he had done the sensible thing and told her instead of what he’d done. He didn’t have to announce to the entire family that she was a gold digging baby hating American. That was as far from the truth as he could get. But to turn around, bring her outside and tell her that he believed fate had decreed that her life and his were intertwined that they should be together was unfair. To touch her in such a gentle manner that he almost had her begging, then to top it off with him singing to her, even more so.

  She’d been out of her element not knowing how to handle it. She’d known she was being rude but she’d needed to pull back to be able to breath or she would have done whatever it was he’d wanted right out there in the open. Besides, what if he were feeding her a line? Playing her? She had needed to think and being in such close proximity to him had not provided that time. But she hadn’t really wanted him to storm away from her either. Ah hell! How about buying a girl a drink first? Tanya shook her head.

  Dang, how did he think his announce was going to go over with her? He couldn’t just decide that he wanted her and that was that. And he was right, she didn’t come to Pakistan for a poor relation. If Imran was deliberately screwing up her chances with one of Hamid’s brothers she wasn’t going to take him by default. If she did, how the heck was he ever going to believe that she’d had a thing for him the moment she’d met him? Imran has issues himself and getting a woman on the rebound eventually would not set well with him. They both needed a moment to regroup.

  A flutter began in her chest and worked its way down. Her womb clenched and wetness filled her panties. Okay so he was the only man in a long time to make her have that reaction. No matter how handsome Hamid’s brothers were they had not made her heart flutter.

  Tanya bounced around on the balls of her feet for a few moments throwing shadow punches seeing each of them connect with Imran’s head. Okay, so that the way he wanted to play it, did he? She strutted back into the house and promptly went to the portable DVD player she’d brought and popped in Cupid’s Shuffle and started dancing. As the room turned to watch her she laughed and put an extra wiggle in her step. She didn’t care if none of them liked her. This was supposed to be a party and she was going to party. She gave Imran a smirk and saw that Heaven was watching her.

  She waved her hand toward her friend and in a moment Heaven was beside her doing the cupid shuffle holding her baby in her arms. Tanya laughed when Hamid came and joined in taking the baby from Heaven. So it wasn’t just her that he didn’t want holding the baby. Hamid didn’t even want the mother holding his son. She ignored the frowns on the faces of Heaven’s in-laws and wondered had Heaven never danced the entire time she'd been in Pakistan. That was just wrong. She was going to have to teach her friend how to have fun again. She wiggled over to Ali and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the line, teaching him the moves, smiling as he attempted to do the shuffle. She was surprised he picked it up so quickly. Soon everyone in the room was doing the shuffle, even Fatima and Imran.

  As Tanya kicked and turned her gaze met Imran. She moved toward him. “I’m sorry for the things I said outside, the way I acted. You’re right about my feelings for you,” she whispered. “I don’t know if it’s fate or not, but I do want to believe in it.”

  He smiled and for a long moment she was still. It was as if the room had suddenly emptied out, as if they were the only two people in the world. Her heart thudded and she missed a step. ‘Wow’ she couldn’t help thinking. She needed to hurry and get home but she still had five weeks left. She didn’t think she had five weeks of resolve in her. She didn’t know if she’d be able to hold out if Imran wanted to push things. Heck, she didn’t know if she wanted to hold out. There was no use in lying, she was attracted to him. Wasn’t it just like her to fall for the one member of Hamid’s family tha
t didn’t have money?


  A breath of fresh air, a party girl, a gold digger, a woman he’d made sure his family didn’t like and now what? He was falling for her. He couldn’t keep his eyes from following her movements. Was this truly fate, he wondered? Shouldn’t Tanya be able to pursue her dreams of building homes for disadvantaged children? It was a good thing. He thought also of her promise, her family obligation to care for the children of her cousin should it become necessary. Maybe he would not pursue her. Then she turned and smiled and told him she was sorry, that she was attracted to him. He smiled back wishing they were someplace a lot more private. As he thought about his earlier notion of not pursing her, his smile turned into a grin. Maybe he would pursue her after all.

  Chapter Five

  A lunch of tandoor chicken, cheese, bread, fruit and bottled water filled the basket to overflowing. Imran waited for Tanya. He couldn’t believe she had at last given up her fruitless search for a millionaire. He would be her chosen husband and he didn’t care how old fashioned it seemed. He wanted her and she wanted him. Simple.

  “Where are we going?” Tanya looked suspiciously at the basket Imran had just put into the trunk of his car. “I thought you were taking me out to show me the country.”

  “That’s precisely what I’m doing.”

  “Looks like you’re planning a picnic.”

  “If I am what’s wrong with that?” He smiled. “I just wanted to have food just in case.”

  “So where are we going?”

  “To get rid of some of your misconceptions. You think that in Pakistan there is no love or passion, that we all use matchmakers or family introductions. Sometimes it’s merely that a man and woman see each other and fall madly in love. Sometimes it’s just fate.”

  “Are you still trying to tell me that fate put us together? Listen.” Tanya stopped and put her hand on her hip. “I’m not Heaven and you’re not Hamid. I’m not a virgin who’s waiting for the right guy. We may as well get that out and upfront. If that’s what you think fate wants you to have then you’re looking in the direction of the wrong woman. And I plan to return to Chicago in a few weeks. You need to know that.”

  “Hamid told me Heaven protested at first. In fact for the entire first year of their marriage she refused to come to meet his family.” He grinned. You’ve already met my family.”

  “And they don’t like me, thanks to you.”

  “Did you expect me to allow you to go through with your plans? You were trying to beguile my cousins.”

  “And instead I beguiled you, is that it?” Tanya laughed and headed to the passenger side of the car.

  A smile pulled at Imran as he watched the sway of Tanya’s hips. He wondered what she would look like in a lehenga. He tilted his head. Sure she’d look good in a long skirt but the tight jeans that hugged her derrière made him hard. He didn’t know if the skirt would have that effect. He laughed softly and proceeded to the driver’s side of the car. Once in, he inhaled the smell of Tanya’s perfume, something exotic and spicy, cinnabar, he thought. He wanted to kiss her. The thought pounded through his brain as he started the engine ignoring that Heaven was staring at them, the baby in her arms, a worried look on her face. It was as though she thought he was kidnapping her friend. He was doing nothing of the sort.

  “Heaven, why are you so worried? You wanted Tanya and I to like each other.” He couldn’t help but laugh as he glanced quickly at Tanya. I know that you elicited help from Hamid. But that’s to be expected.” He tapped on the steering wheel and sought Tanya’s gaze before finishing with his cousin’s wife.

  “It was a bit underhanded to use Fatima in your plans though. So tell me please why you’re so worried.”

  “Tanya’s not a toy and this isn’t a game. You don’t have to go out with her to get back at me for trying to set the two of you up.”

  Imran's brow lifted. “Heaven, I am not Hamid. My world does not stop when you speak. I wish to date your friend because of me, not you. And since we’re both adults and do not need your mothering, I would suggest taking Tsukama into the house. It’s getting hot.”

  Instead of waiting for any farther answers from Heaven he turned the key in the ignition and drove off, the sound of Tanya’s laughing making him glad he’d done so.

  “Imran, I swear I have to give you your props for that. Heaven looks likes she doesn’t know what hit her. Thanks for giving me a chance to not be around those two for a day. Dang, are she and Hamid always like this? I mean if they are, how anyone can stand to be around them is a wonder. She’s school girl goofy over Hamid.”

  “He feels the same things for her.”

  “I know but the two of them…yuck…yuck… they’re sickening.”

  “Have you ever been school girl goofy over a man, Tanya?”

  “No, and I have no plans on ever behaving that way. Like I said, I’m not Heaven.”

  “Good, I’m not interested in having Heaven,” Imran said and grinned then he glanced over at her. “Are you not happy that you came to visit Heaven?”

  With a sigh Tanya thought of how best to answer the question. Sure being with Heaven again was wonderful, but her friend was a bit nauseating. She’d never been like that in Chicago. She didn’t know if it was Pakistan, or having a baby. But Heaven went around constantly with a dopey look on her face, her eyes always searching for Hamid. And when he went to the clinic to work Tanya saw her eyes sliding many times to the door, her ears cocked for the sound of his voice. The only time Heaven appeared not to be watching or listening for Hamid was when she was with the baby. And even then her thoughts of her husband were felt because she’d constantly croon to the baby, talking about, his-daddy-this-and-his-daddy-that. It was a godsend that Imran had invited her to accompany him as he went out to interview people and visit places for research for the book he was writing.

  “Yes, I’m happy to be here, but I thought it would be like old times I guess. Heaven is much too busy with her family to pay any attention to me. She’s trying but…”

  Tanya shrugged her shoulder. “I wonder why she wanted me to come so badly. We haven’t spent very much time together, and she palmed me off on you almost from the moment I arrived. Maybe she regretted asking me to come.”

  “Maybe she wants you to be married with babies. Hamid told me how much your visit has done to lift Heaven’s spirits. I think she’s planned your wedding in her head, possibly even your babies. I think maybe she’s so involved with that that she’s forgotten to be just your friend.”

  “Well, you can’t prove that by me. Thanks for being so willing to show me Pakistan.”

  Tanya’s voice had a wistful sadness that pulled at Imran’s heart. He’d waited long enough. A mile away from Heaven’s prying eyes he pulled over beneath a grove of trees. “Tanya, we should get certain things out of the way so we can enjoy the day,” he said.

  “What things?” Tanya answered with a snort as she looked into his eyes. He had the most sensual lips and a very strong face. He was indeed a handsome man albeit a man without money.

  “I want to kiss you.”


  “And I want you to give me permission.”

  She laughed. What else could she do? She’d never had a man ask for permission to kiss her before. Then of course she’d never had a man declare fate had intended they be together after hurling insults at her. Still she was game. What the heck, she was on vacation. She was going home in a few weeks and might as well have some fun if she could while she was here.


  Tanya returned her attention to Imran. “Sure, why not?” she answered at last and moved closer to him. “Heaven told me that touching isn’t done that much in Pakistan, at least not out in public. And here it is the sun is shining brightly and you want to kiss me. Why?”

  “Because you have the most luscious looking lips and I want to taste them.” He saw her hesitate.

  “I’m not looking to fall in love with you, Imran.” She
shrugged her shoulder. “I don’t mind kissing you though.” Tanya ignored the look he gave and moved closer still.

  His lips barely grazed hers as he used the pad of one finger to feather her hair and run it down the side of her face before cupping her chin. He was staring the entire time into her eyes, gazing at her as though she were something most precious. Tanya couldn’t take it any longer. She yanked his shirt and pulled him the few inches to her. Then she smacked her lips against his and plunged her tongue into his mouth. He pushed her away and stared at her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You’re much too forward. How many men have you been with?”

  “None of your damn business. How many women have you been with? Look, you asked to kiss me, not the other way around. I didn’t tell you that fate wanted us together. In fact I told you I wanted one of Hamid’s brothers. So if you don’t like that I took control of the kiss, tough.” He was back to pissing her off. Did he have any idea how hot he’d made her with his gentle caresses? She'd wanted to kiss him so she had. “Drive, Imran,” she ordered.

  “Not just yet.” His hand again captured her chin and he lowered his lips to hers feathering her lips with the tip of his tongue. He placed soft kisses from one corner to the next. “I love the feel of your lips,” he admitted. “Open for me,” he implored. “I want to taste you.”

  “No. You complained before about me being too forward.”

  “Now I’m not complaining. Open for me, Tanya.”

  Damn if she didn’t want to kiss him so badly that to not do so would be torture. She wanted to keep her lips sealed. Instead she opened her mouth slightly and sucked in a breath. The moment Imran’s tongue touched the inside of her mouth flames of desire shot through her and she moaned. Mother of mercy, she thought. Tanya had been with her share of men, but none had ever made her feel like this, not from a kiss, not from a touch, not from anything. Just then Imran pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. He was gentle and she knew his kiss was a getting to know you kiss, a— I want to learn the taste and texture of your mouth.