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Continental Divide Page 4

  Well, Tanya wasn’t after putting the gleam in a man’s eyes. Sure it would be nice to have a man look at her the way Hamid was always looking at Heaven. Heck it would be super fantastic to have a man look at her the way the two men were looking at the baby. But since Heaven had told all of them that Hamid had some equally fine unmarried brothers Tanya had made plans to snag one of them. She looked again at the two men and the baby and sighed. But finding love would also be nice.

  “Hey, Hamid, what’s the deal? Why did you give Tasukam to Imran to hold and I had to wrestle him from you?” Before Hamid could answer, Imran turned with the baby in his arms toward her.

  “Perhaps he allows me to hold his son because I can properly say his name. The baby’s name is not ‘Tasukam’ it’s ‘Tsukama.’ A name is important to us, Tanya, learning it and saying it correctly is a sign of respect. I’m sure when you begin to show Heaven’s and Hamid’s baby the proper amount of respect, they will allow you to hold him.”

  Tanya actually had no words to say, no come back. She was speechless. She looked to Heaven for help but she merely shrugged. She then glanced toward Hamid who grinned like a fool.

  So this was how her friends were going to play it huh? “I can say the baby’s name,” she said, defending herself.

  “So you deliberately mispronounced his name?” Imran tsked and tilted his head to peer at her. “And you called me rude.” Then he turned his back to her and continued cooing to the baby. Imran had to turn quickly from Tanya. There was something about the woman that made him unsettled, had him wanting to kiss her full lips, to wrap her in his arms, to make love to her. He’d had to shake the image away. He was nothing like his cousin. He was not about to allow this American woman to steal his heart. But he could swear when he looked into her eyes, his heart was definitely what was in danger.

  What the heck was wrong with him? No one had ever had this effect on him. He’d never been this rude to anyone and he knew it wasn’t all in defense of his cousins. They were adults well able to take care of themselves. If he were honest, and he had no choice but to be honest with himself, he’d have to admit that it had something to do with Tanya. From the moment he’d entered the house and she’d walked up to him, his heart had beaten a little faster. If she’d not been so obvious in her greeting that it was one of his cousins that her warmth was for, he’d more than likely be trying to figure out a way to ask her for a date. But she had wanted the cousins and Imran wasn’t anyone’s second choice. He could never compete with his cousins on a financial level—at least not yet. He had yet to make his own fortune and he was still hopeful that he would. No, if Tanya was to notice something different about him that set him apart from the millionaire brothers it was this. He’d seen it in her eyes. She enjoyed the verbal repartee and he had every intention of seeing that she continued to enjoy it. He gave her a smirk and smiled down at Tsukama.

  Tanya saw Imran’s smirk. Round three had now been lost and the man had turned his back on her. She had to be tired. That was it. Her game wasn’t as sharp as it should be. She put her hands on her hips and gave a deep neck roll before realizing with his back turned to her Imran was missing it all. She wasn’t wasting her annoyance on Heaven who was almost laughing at her. Marching up to Imran she was determined to put him in his place. When she stood in front of him she held out her arms. “Give me the baby.”

  “He’s not yours,” Imran said.

  “He’s not yours either.”

  "You don’t show him the proper respect.”

  “He’s a baby,” Tanya fumed

  “Precisely. Show him that respect and show him the respect of being Hamid’s son.”

  “Well, he’s Heaven’s son also,” Tanya bragged and pointed toward Heaven, hoping to have Heaven back her up. But all she got was Heaven bending over with laughter. “Give me my friend’s baby.”

  “The baby belongs to my cousin. I am the child’s blood. I have more right than you to hold him. Besides, you don’t look as if you’ve ever held a baby. Perhaps, you don’t like children. What if you allow him to fall?”

  Don’t like children! Don’t know how to hold a baby. Tanya was getting angry for real now. The entire reason, well, almost the entire reason she was in Pakistan was because she did love children. She did know how to hold a baby. Jo Jo could vouch for that. Her hands went immediately to her hips and she was sputtering trying to get her words out. The man had her practically speechless for the second time, something that never happened to her.

  “Time out,” Heaven said moving to stand between the two of them. She took her son from Imran. “My son is not in this fight. He’s too young for your squabbling.” Laughing at the two of them she and Hamid disappeared toward their bedroom with Fatima following and laughing loudly.

  “Why are you judging me?” Tanya asked. “I’ve been in this country just a few hours and both, you and Fatima have treated me rudely.”

  Imran frowned at her. “From my vantage point it is you who have been rude since arriving. You are in my country yet you have been rude to my country, to my cousin Fatima, to Heaven and Hamid, to the baby and even to me. I have not attempted to judge you, but if you see something of your bad behavior reflected in my own and wish to make a change then I am happy to have been of service.”

  “You’re an arrogant piece of work aren’t you? How do you know that I did all of that?”

  “Fatima called me.”

  Ahhh now Tanya knew why he’d behaved the way he had when he’d come into the room. “So Fatima told you what I said about wanting to meet one of her brothers?”

  “Wanting to marry one of them.”

  “Okay, so what? I said it. What’s wrong with that?”

  “That’s not the way we do things.”

  “You use matchmakers here. Heaven told me.”

  “You’re not a matchmaker. Besides, you can not make a match for yourself.”

  “Who said? Are there rules?”

  Imran didn’t want to but he was finding that he liked the verbal fighting with the American. He liked American women. He looked at Tanya and grinned. And he really loved beautiful American women. That Tanya was without a doubt. But she was still a greedy American woman who didn’t like babies all that much and didn’t think before she spoke. It would be rather nice to teach this American a lesson in manners. Maybe he’d find the location of one of the many minefields being planted and take her there and not bring her out until she could correctly pronounce the baby’s name. Though he had to admit she’d almost gotten it correctly that last time she’d tried.

  “There are rules in everything,” Imran said at last. “There are rules in the way a man takes a wife. Rule one: A woman does not come and stake a claim.”

  “Look, I have no plans to hit your cousins over the head and take them back to America. It worked for Heaven and Hamid,” she shrugged. “Why can’t fate be on my side?”

  “But you’re trying to navigate fate. You have no idea if you will even approve of my cousins. You want to marry them because they are wealthy. They are much older than Hamid. They are wise and will not be fooled by you or your antics. Besides that, Fatima will warn them. How do you plan to accomplish getting one of them to want to marry you?”

  “They can come and live in America.”

  Imran burst out laughing. “Are you offering citizenship in exchange for millions? They don’t need you, Tanya. We can come to America and live legally. What else do you have?”

  “I’m a woman.” Tanya glared at him and tried her best not to flinch while Imran took a couple of steps back and appraised her, smiling and frowning when he looked at her chest. She took it until his frown deepened.

  “Why are you frowning at me?”

  “How old are you?”

  Tanya coughed as her eyes widened in surprise. “Excuse me?”

  “Your age. How old are you?”


  “You are getting on in years. Your breasts appear to be firm. That indicates you’ve n
ot yet suckled a child. Is that why you do not know babies should be respected?”

  “My breasts? Babies?” She was muttering. “You’re crazy, Imran, and I’m too tired to fight with you right now.”

  “Would you like for me to return tomorrow and continue this?”

  There was a twinkle in his eyes, but he wasn’t smiling. Tanya wondered if he was serious. If he was she was definitely going to take him up on this. She hadn’t expected the fight to go more than three rounds. Now it looked like it would be at least a ten round match. So far she’d not won a single round and that wasn’t going to continue. But right now, she needed some rest.

  “You know what, Imran? I would love for you to come back tomorrow." She stretched and faked a yawn. "I'm too tired to fight at the moment. I have to take a long bubble bath,” she said slowly and gave him a look watching as he swallowed. Bingo, she thought. Score one point for the American. “Let’s continue this tomorrow.” She walked quickly toward the room that would be hers for the remainder of her stay. She almost ran not wanting Imran to take a parting shot and take away her small victory.

  Imran laughed and shook his head. “Then tomorrow it shall be.” Once again the flutter filled his chest and he looked downward, then at Tanya’s retreating back. He liked her.


  Imran turned from clearing away the dishes as Hamid and Heaven came back into the room. “Your friend went to bed,” he said.

  “Who won?” Heaven asked.

  Imran smiled but didn’t answer for a moment. Then he said, “There was no contest.”

  “Ha. You two sounded like it to us,” Heaven pointed out. “Could it be fate is once again working in the Ahmed family?”

  “I have no such belief in fate and I have no intention of doing anything to get your friend to notice me. Besides, your friend is here looking for a millionaire. That I am not. Could you please tell me why that would matter so much to her?”

  “Tanya’s not as bad as she appears. She’s rough around the edges but she’s a good person. She’s a social worker and she always wants to find a way to take care of the children she works with. She’s always saying if she had the money she would build homes and put loving parents in them to take care of the children. She’s even working with a private organization in one of the Chicago suburbs to do just that. They have actually already purchased land for a village and they’ve built one home. They’re trying to raise money to build and fund the other homes and to take care of the families.

  “So, she’s not a gold digger?”

  “No, she’s not. She doesn’t want the money for herself. From the moment she found out Hamid has money she’s been hitting us up for donations for some of the children in foster care.”

  “But she doesn’t even like children. She doesn’t like your son.”

  “Please, she’s fronting.” Heaven flicked her hand in a dismissive fashion.


  “Acting, pretending,” Heaven explained. “She loves kids. She just has to play it hard, you know. She doesn’t remain in the lives of the kids she helps. So she can’t become attached. As for my baby, I know all of my friends were a little hurt that I didn’t name one of them as godparent. We haven’t talked about it yet. But I’m sure she’s trying to pay me back for that.”

  “Are you sure she really likes your son?”

  “I’m sure.” Heaven paused and tilted her head to peer at Imran. “Why are you so worried that Tanya likes kids? Is fate talking to you?”

  Imran looked over Heaven’s head─a very easy thing to do and grinned at Hamid. “Don’t play matchmaker, Heaven. Your friend is not my type and for that matter neither is she my cousins’ type. She will go home disappointed, I’m afraid.”

  “But at least she can have a nice time while in Pakistan. She loves to party and frankly you’re the party animal. Hamid and I rarely leave the house so we’re a little out of touch.” Heaven gave Hamid a sly glance then turned all of her charm on Imran. “I just thought of a great idea. This would be perfect. Imran, would you do me the biggest favor, please? I’ll be indebted to you. Would you help us entertain Tanya? She really wants to learn about the culture. You would be the perfect person to accompany here while she’s here.”

  “She didn’t come to visit me, Heaven.”

  “No, but she came to visit your country. You’re a part of the country. Don’t you want her to think well of the people of Pakistan?”

  “I’m not an ambassador for Pakistan,” Imran laughed.

  “But you could be an ambassador for the family,” Heaven insisted as she turned pleading eyes on Imran.

  “Hamid said you were lonely for your American friends, that you wanted the company. Now it seems as if you’re not so happy to see her. Is that it,” he teased. “Your friend has already worn out her welcome and now you want to throw her to me?”

  An indignant grunt came out of Heaven and she glared at Imran. “Of course I’m not tired of Tanya. I just want her to have some fun while she’s here and I know just hanging around us,” she pointed her finger at Hamid then herself, “is not going to be all that much fun.” She shrugged. “If you don’t want to help me…”

  Imran wasn’t fooled by Heaven’s act of having hurt feelings. He was very much aware of her scheme to set him up with her friend and truthfully he wasn’t averse to spending time with Tanya while she was in Pakistan. There was just one little problem. Well, not so little, the problem was 5’ 9” and had a mind of her own and her mind wanted a rich man. Sighing Imran leaned back into the chair and cradled the back of his head in his hands.

  “Heaven, you’re aware that I would do anything for you. Your friend came to this country seeking a rich husband. Even if her reasons are honorable, I am not who she’s seeking and your hopes for that to change will not make it so. I’m a writer. I have no money.”

  “That may be true, but you’re an excellent tour guide. Even Hamid has never heard of many of the places you’ve taken us to. You’ve done so much research you’re better than the guides who get paid to take tourists around. We both know that it’s true, so don’t deny it. What better person to show Tanya around Pakistan?”

  Imran didn’t miss the way Heaven’s eyes took on a mysterious glint. She was plotting a relationship between him and her friend. Tanya would go home single. He wasn’t even in the running and he was going to make sure that his cousins wouldn’t fall for the woman’s manipulating ways. A smiled struggled to come out, but Imran prevent it. At least Tanya was honest. He’d have to give that to her. The smile he’d resisted came out. Tomorrow he would come back and resume their fight.

  “Imran, you didn’t answer my question. Will you help us show Tanya the country?”

  “I’ll think about it, Heaven. But for now I think it’s time to say goodnight.” He walked away toward the nursery as was his habit and leaned over the crib. He rubbed the baby’s head asking for Allah’s blessing on the child. With a sigh of longing he walked out at last and said goodnight to Heaven and Hamid ignoring the way they were both smiling at him. “Come, Fatima, I’ll take you home.”


  “Heaven, Imran’s aware of what you’re trying to do. You may as well give it up. Your little scheme isn’t going to work."

  Heaven turned from the door with a grin on her face. She shook her head at Hamid’s telling her no. “What? I’m not doing anything.”

  “Except trying too hard to match Tanya and Imran.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “You gave Imran Tanya’s bio. You never told me about Tanya’s desire to help build a community for orphans.”

  “I told you every time she asked for a donation. I never sent her money without asking you and telling you what she wanted it for.”

  Hamid shrugged. “I can’t say that I remember all of those conversations. I do remember you kissing me while asking and we both know when you kiss me, I can deny you nothing.”

  For the moment Heaven was soothed as she moved into he
r husband’s arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful though if Tanya and Imran fell in love? You’ll have to admit there was a spark there. How many times have you seen Tanya speechless? These six weeks are going to be fun.”

  “I hope so. Tanya already has Fatima upset with her. You do know that she’s the one that called Imran over here. From what Imran said I gather he plans to make sure that Tanya will not get one of my brothers to fall in love with her.”

  Heaven couldn’t help laughing. She doubled over shaking her head as she did so. “Your sister should have been an actress.”

  “Heaven, tell me you didn’t ask Fatima to help you in your crazy scheme,” Hamid scolded.

  “All I did was get Imran over here before Tanya had a chance to meet your brothers. There’s nothing wrong with that.” She nibbled her husband’s lips as she ran her hands down the side of his thighs. “For now let’s not worry about Tanya and Imran. I think we can find better ways to spend our time.” When the look in Hamid’s eyes changed to lust Heaven smiled and reached for her husband’s hand. For now she could leave the matter. The seed had been planted.

  Chapter Four

  The sunlight streaming through the windows woke Tanya. She stayed in bed for a moment to adjust to the sounds of the household to see if she could smell breakfast cooking. She was hungry. Opening her bag she dumped the gifts for the baby on the bed, grabbed for clean clothes and rushed into the bathroom to shower and get ready for her first full day in Pakistan. She hoped Imran kept his word. She’d dreamt of him the night before. As she lathered her skin and rinsed off the suds she shivered as she remembered the feels of Imran’s fingers on her body.